Growing A New Generation Of Experts For The Future Of Food And Nutritional Security!

AITEC Farms are implemented through a consortium of organizations that fit agri-tech solutions to the specific locality.

AITEC shares multi-faceted, extensive training in field implementation, skills development and applied knowledge. AITEC Farms emphasize the need to develop a knowledge base where technology is accompanied by professional development.

AITEC Farms combine agricultural training, demonstration and research with commercial oriented production, cultivating a new generation of agronomists and experts.

AITEC emphasizes:

Israeli knowledge and technologies

From drip irrigation, to greenhouses, to hybrid seeds and mechanization, Israeli innovations are key towards solving the challenge of food and nutritional security. Through Israeli experts, knowledge and technology are transferred locally.


Through intensive hands-on training programs we are developing local expertise which can install, operate and maintain the optimal technologies and diffuse the knowledge throughout the region.


AITEC farms support regional development programs, providing extension services to the region and supporting small farmers, medium farms and agribusiness. We aim to make sure there are returns on investments.


AITEC is a logistical center, providing access to agricultural inputs that are demonstrated at the site, we provide accessibility and market linkages.

Commercial farm development

AITEC farms operate as model farms, demonstrating commercialization and providing a source of income to sustain and expand activities.
AITEC farms aim to address the issue of skills development, youth unemployment, technology transfer and income generation by investment into capacity building, training and new agricultural opportunities for young people.
The ATIEC model seeks to expand throughout Africa, building capacity one region at a time. The schools will provide newly developed local experts to lead the agricultural transformation from within.